The spotlight of the popular Art After Hours programme falls on revolutionary and inventive 20th century photographic artist Man Ray for five Wednesday evenings 25 February - 24 March.
Each week at 6.30pm, well-known speakers including photographer Lewis Morley, Australian Women's Weekly editor Deborah Thomas and architect Harry Seidler will illuminate elements of the artist's surreal vision by exploring themes including his muses, modernism, technology and fashion.
At 7.15pm, Robert Herbert's film programme celebrates Man Ray's daring filmatic style of the period by screening his experimental shorts alongside diverse classics such as L'Age d'Or (dir. Luis Bu�el, 1930),or the Blue Angel (dir. Josef von Sternberg, 1930).
While art, talks and films create a great line-up for your Wednesday evening, don't forget that after hours can simply mean catching-up with friends for a drink. Try the Gallery's ArtBar, where Djs from FBi 94.5FM will perform live mixes each week from 7pm until 8.30pm.
All this and more! For further information on the weekly Wednesday night line-ups and exhibitions on view, please see below.
ART AFTER HOURS Every Wednesday at the Gallery until 9pm. All events free (Admission fees apply for Man Ray exhibition).
WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY 6.30pm Celebrity Talk EyeCon: Man to Man. Lewis Morley, theatre, fashion and portrait photographer, famous for the iconic image of Christine Keeler 7pm DJ from FBi 94.5FM performs live mix sets in the ArtBar 7.15pm Film programme: Les Mysteries du Chateau du De (Dir. Man Ray 1929) 27 min. 35mm B&W Paris La Belle (Dir. Pierre Prevert, Marcel Duhamel, 1959) 20 min. 35mm Colour and B&W L'�ge d'Or (Dir. Luis Bu�uel,1930) 64 min. 35mm B&W Rated PG 7.30pm Guided Tour of the Man Ray exhibition
WEDNESDAY 3 MARCH 6.30pm Celebrity Talk Man Ray: Sexy Science. with Robyn Williams, host of ABC Radio National's "Science Show" 7pm DJ from FBi 94.5FM performs live mix sets in the ArtBar 7.15pm Film programme: L'Etoile de Mer (Dir. Man Ray, 1928) 17 min. 16mm B&W La Zone: Au Pays des Chiffonniers ( Dir. Georges Lacombe, 1928) 25 min 35mm B&W Silent A Girl in Every Port (Dir. Howard Hawks, 1928) 79 min. 16mm B&W Musical Soundtrack 7.30pm Guided Tour of the Man Ray exhibition
WEDNESDAY 10 MARCH 6.30pm Celebrity Talk: Man Ray: 'It' Girls from Kiki to Paris. Deborah Thomas, editor of The Australian Women's Weekly 7pm DJ from FBi 94.5FM performs live mix sets in the ArtBar 7.15pm Film programme: Emak Bakia (A Cinepoem) (Dir. Man Ray, 1926) 20 min. 16mm B&W The Blue Angel (Dir. Josef von Sternberg, 1930) 106 min. 16mm B&W rated PG 7.30pm Guided Tour of the Man Ray exhibition
WEDNESDAY 17 MARCH 6.30pm Celebrity Talk: Man Ray: Sexing the Lens. Linda Jaivin, novelist, playwright and occasional eroticist 7pm DJ from FBi 94.5FM performs live mix sets in the ArtBar 7.15pm Film programme: Rue Campagne-Premiere (Dir. Man Ray, 1923-29) 45 sec 35mm B&W Silent Poison (Dir. Man Ray, 1933-35) 4 min .35mm B&W Silent L'Atalante (Dir. Jean Vigo,1934) 87 min. 35mm B&W Rated PG 7.30pm Guided Tour of the Man Ray exhibition
WEDNESDAY 24 MARCH 6.30pm Celebrity Talk: Man Ray: An Architect of Imagery Harry Seidler AC, OBE, internationally acclaimed architect 7pm DJ from FBi 94.5FM performs live mix sets in the ArtBar 7.15pm Film programme: L'Etoile de Mer (The Starfish) (Dir. Man Ray, 1928) 17 min. 16mm B&W Opus (Dir. Walter Ruttman 1921) 7 min. 16mm B&W The Adventures of Prince Achmed (Dir. Lotte Reiniger, 1926) 71 min. 16mm B&W Tinted Rated G 7.30pm Guided Tour of the Man Ray exhibition
EXHIBITIONS ON VIEW Man Ray - Until 18 April Rover Thomas - Until 9 May Artexpress - Until 21 March Philip Brophy: Fluorescent - Until 18 April Adam Geczy & Mike Parr - Until 7 March
Art After Hours Information: www.artafterhours.com.au or Telephone 1800 679 278 Art Gallery of New South Wales, Art Gallery Road, The Domain, Sydney 2000, Australia
Media Information Margaux Simms, Press Office Telephone: (02) 9225 1618 Email: margauxs@ag.nsw.gov.au
Image: Man Ray, Untitled, Natasha (109) 1931. Private Collection Paris. Copyright Man Ray Trust; ADAGP, Paris. Viscopy Ltd, Sydney 2003 |