Roy de Maistre Patrick White 1939 Oil on Canvas. Gift of Miss Frances Peck � Caroline de Mestre Walker |  | On Sunday 19 September the Art Gallery Society of New South Wales presents an evening of reminiscence, remembrance and homage to one of Australia's greatest writers, Patrick White.
The participants in the celebration include people who knew Patrick White and his work intimately: biographer David Marr; celebrated novelist David Malouf; academic Ivor Indyk, actors Kerry Walker and Carole Skinner, veterans of White's plays. Photographer William Yang has generously allowed the Society to project his images on the night, including photographs from his book Patrick White: The Late Years.
Edmund Capon, Director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, introduces the evening, talking about the important art collection that Patrick White gave to the Gallery, including works by Roy de Maistre, Stanislaus Rapotec, Brett Whiteley and Sidney Nolan. The collection has only recently arrived at the Gallery, as the condition of White's will was that it was available upon the death of his partner, Manoly Lascaris, who passed away earlier this year. A selection from the bequest is currently on display in the Gallery's Members Lounge.
The event is a celebration of White's and Lascaris' achievements, their lives, and in particular White's writing. It is intended as part of an Art Gallery Society occasional series celebrating the life and work of this country's most talented artists, past and present. |
Event - A celebration of the life of Patrick White Sunday 19 September 2004, 6pm Art Gallery of New South Wales Art Gallery Road, Sydney NSW 2000
Cost $40 members, $45 public - includes complimentary bar and canap�s
Bookings Essential Telephone (02) 9225 1878
Media Information Claire Martin, Press Office Telephone 61 2 9225 1734 or 0414 437 588 Email clairem@ag.nsw.gov.au Images available on request |