Martin Ball Mark McClean Del Kathryn Barton Vasili Kaliman and contained familiar together within the Dreaming John Beard Janet Laurence Danelle Bergstrom Take two - Jack Thompson Adam Chang Brian, the dog and the doorway Zhong Chen Self portrait Peteris Ciemitis Making sense of place #4 Kevin Connor Portrait of a quiet man, Robert Eadie, painter Sam Cranstoun Peter Darren Crothers Black sheep of the family Lucy Culliton Self with subject (domestic science) Carmen Di Napoli Go for it McLean Edwards Martin Browne Esther Erlich Tim Vivian Falk A moment with Malcolm David Griggs The bleeding hearts club #1 (self portrait) Robert Hannaford Tubes Daniel Henderson Lily-Rose Cherry Hood Ben Quilty Peter Hudson Words and music – portrait of Paul Kelly Jasper Knight The Honourable Bob Carr Zai Kuang Sarah and the doll Sam Leach A bird flies past Jeff Kennett Bill Leak Portrait of Paul Mathew Lynn Neville Wran Abbey McCulloch Toni Collette Alexander McKenzie McLean Edwards Lewis Miller Allan, Matisse and me Michael Mucci The power and the passion Angus Nivison Myself Chris O’Doherty aka Reg Mombassa Self portrait with high pants David Paulson (with Michael Nelson Jagamara) Michael Nelson Jagamara and totem Evert Ploeg George Ellis Rodney Pople Stone cold sober (self portrait) Paul Ryan Fink on the phone Jenny Sages Irina Baronova (handing on the baton) Peter Smeeth The young diva – A portrait of Amelia Farrugia Sue Taylor eX and reg Ian Waldron Imants Tillers Xu Wang John Yu and George Soutter Greg Warburton Faith Bandler 
Tim Allen North Lawson (Em with stroller) John Beard After Adraga Rae Bolotin Green peel G.W. Bot Glyphographic landscape Michael Brennan Two bob Zhong Chen Rainy day Michael Eather The unutterable Anna Eggert Undercover Graham Fransella Burnt landscape with figures Joe Furlonger Seq. landscape Ian Grant White sky Marie Hagerty Cold front Paul Haggith The rising tide Chris Langlois Night ocean 1st variation Loongkoonan Bush tucker in Nyinkina country Alexander McKenzie The double island Rod McRae The Bungle Bungles Aseem Pereira Panorama surface Gloria Petyarre Untitled (leaves) Kathryn Ryan South West Pines Paul John Ryan The garden George Tjungurrayi Untitled Aida Tomescu Vent Rex Turnbull Louise’s room Branca Uzur The big paddock Ian Waldron The promised land John R Walker Dry land gully Thornton Walker The enduring body II Xu Wang King Street Lucy Ward Beverley springs Guy Warren Hut on the mountain Dick Watkins Landscape (5) Philip Wolfhagen Winter Nocturne IV 
Joanna Braithwaite Performance anxiety Nicholas Burton Caravan cyclone Zhong Chen Happy days 20 Desmond Connor Massacre of innocents Lucy Culliton Dressed doll - knitting Emma Cummings Witness Michael Davis You leave a landscape in your wake John Dean Mr Jones has raised the bar David Disher Axis of Elvis Jo Doring Im sorry John – silhouettes of a prime ministership Andrew Frost The pornography of hope 2006 Joe Furlonger Old man in his room Peter Godwin The blue curtain/studio Victor Gordon Consanguinity - Mike Parr at the MCA Nicholas Harding Beach life (blue chair and figure) 2007 Peter Hickey Mogo zoo snow leopard Paul Jackson Into temptation Roy Jackson Blue note John Kavallaris Our Norway the land of the midnight sun branch Noel McKenna The names of the buyer and seller have been changed for privacy reasons Glenn Morgan Baxter Detention Centre Jonny Niesche After Drysdale Nana Ohnesorge Snow White Michael Phillips Untitled (Waterhole one – cosmic bean for J.H.) James Powditch The Emerald Forest Jiawei Shen 1894 Wendy Stavrianos Memory of water – Millet to Lake Mungo Janet Tavener Gingerbread Jonathon Throsby And that was yesterday Fiona White The getting of wisdom Oleh Witer The cup Mike Worrall Tantrum Joshua Yeldham Painters daughter – after the flood |