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'Impressions of Folies -- Bergèr/scintillating brilliance with/some superb sets -- notably/a ballet of Sevres figures./The porcelain appearance of/costumes exquisite & dancing/of great daintiness./Green silver & rose/prevailing colours..Figures/on revolting stage like china/in a cabinet glinting under/the light -- a sight to remember./Another ballet in Louis Costumes/of great dignity -- grey blue &/pink & spangles. Figure/steps from frame & descends/staircase -- dazzling in the/light. Impossible to/describe brilliant of these/scenes brilliants dazzling/in the light especially when/in movement. Green and/silver a prevailing impression/In another scene Crinolines/are jet black with silver facings/superbly rich in effect./Gained impression of greater/Colour from these two [indecipherable]/from a crimson figure which/completed a trio'

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