Henson: Inspirational Cinema
Wednesdays 2pm & 7.15pm
Sundays 2pm
Domain Theatre
Nominated by Bill Henson as inspirational cinema,
this series
of feature films embraces a dark universe. Blurring the boundary
between consciousness and dreams, the stories explore a nocturnal,
somnambulistic side of reality and display a fascination with lives
led on the fringes of society – lives in transition, metamorphosis
and spiritual despair; invasions of the unknown or strange into
the mundane. A mellow and melancholy feast.
Image sequence: Taxi
driver 1976, courtesy Columbia Tri-star, The damned
1969 courtesy Roadshow, I vitelloni 1953, courtesy Palace
Films, Aguirre: the wrath of God 1972, Nosferatu
1979, courtesy Werner Herzog film.