
The Archibald Finalists

Bruce Armstrong
Peter Carey in Kelly Country
� Bruce Armstrong

Michael Bell
Kingo and Boofhead, Lavender Bay
� Michael Bell

Danelle Bergstrom
The Portrait and the Painter
(John Firth-Smith)

� Danelle Bergstrom

David Bromley
Long Tom
� David Bromley

Gou Hua Cai
Lee Lin Chin
�Gou Hua Cai

Tom Carment
John Gaden - Summer Portrait
� Tom Carment

Brendon Darby
Ian Parmenter
� Brendon Darby

Julie Dowling
Sister Girl(Carol Dowling)
� Julie Dowling

Geoffrey Dyer
The Director John Clark
� Geoffrey Dyer

Martine Emdur
Laughing on the inside
� Martine Emdur

Paul Fairweather
Exhibitors exurberahnce, Mostyn Bramley-Moore: a tribute to Michael Milburn
� Paul Fairweather

Margarita Georgiadis
Excelle - Libby Gorr
�Margarita Georgiadis

Robert Hannaford
Richard Maurovic
� Robert Hannaford

Nicholas Harding
John Bell as King Lear
� Nicholas Harding

Cherry Hood
� Cherry Hood

Bill Leak
Robert Hughes - nothing if not critical
� Bill Leak

Kerrie Lester

Contemplating the emperor's new clothes
� Kerrie Lester

Mathew Lynn
Hetti Perkins
&cppy; Mathew Lynn

Lewis Miller
Self portrait
� Lewis Miller

Henry Mulholland
Michael Snape
� Henry Mulholland

David Naseby
A blackguard rehearsing - Max Cullen
� David Naseby

Paul Newton
Roy and H.G. (John Doyle and Greig Pickhaver
� Paul Newton

Rodney Pople
Head study - Richard Goodwin
� Rodney Pople

Sally Robinson
Antony Walker
� Sally Robinson

Jenny Sages
Jackie and Kerryn
� Jenny Sages

Michael Snape
Paul Hopmeier and Ron Robertson-Swann
� Michael Snape

Kim Spooner
And see the light surrounding you (Daniel Johns)
� Kim Spooner

Branca Uzur
Tetsuya Wakuda
� Branca Uzur

John R. Walker
Portrait of Tony Bilson
� John R. Walker

Greg Warburton
The public defender
� Greg Warburton

Richard Watkins
Adam Cullen
� Richard Watkins