in conjunction with the exhibition ARTEXPRESS 06
Years 7-12
Student study mornings
Art expression session
Presentations by exhibiting students.
YEARS 10-12
16 February, 1, 7, 15 & 23 March 2006
$3 per student
From idea to exhibition
A look behind the scenes at the selection and exhibition design process, key artworks and strategies for investigating the body of work. YEARS 10-12
9, 15 & 21 February 2006
$3 per student
ARTEXPRESS Teachers day 2006
Explore the exhibition process, key bodies of work and issues and ideas for classroom practice. Includes presentations by exhibiting students, visual arts teachers and key artists. Friday 3 March 2006
$70, AGS members & tertiary students $63 (includes lunch and resources)
Combination Student Study Morning: ARTEXPRESS + Self Portrait An introduction to current major exhibitions, identifying key works and ideas. YEARS 10-12
9, 14 & 29 March, 6 April 2006
$7 per student (includes exhibition entry)
Bookings > |
|  Pennueng Chemsripong (Callaghan College Jesmond Campus) Acacia Destiny Collection of Works, 7 pieces. From ARTEXPRESS 2005