This display of works from the collection incorporates the diversity of contemporary practice across photography, video, painting and sculpture. Highlights include Daniel Crooks’ video work Train no.1 2002–2005, in which time seems to expand and contract as recombined slices of video trace the movement of an inner-city train. A selection of artist books by Ed Ruscha document the banal spectacle of the Los Angeles environment, while Pat Brassington’s photographs cumulatively recall the effect of dread. Works from the 1980s such as Gilbert & George’s photo-piece Reaming 1982 and Juan Davila’s Neo-pop 1983–85 engage with performance, appropriation and the body. The display also features Clemens Krauss’s remarkable Large self-portrait 2004/2009, a latex and mixed-media life-sized floor sculpture on loan from the artist’s collection. 