![](../../../../__data/page/1761/event_317_e_longdesc_003_000_000.jpg) Cherry Hood Simon Tedeschi Unplugged. Winner of the 2002 Archibald Prize | The Archibald Prize is one of Australia's oldest and most prestigious art awards. J.F. Archibald's primary aims were to foster portraiture, support artists and perpetuate the memory of great Australians. Since its inception in 1921 the prize has been awarded to some of Australia's most important artists, including George Lambert, William Dobell and Brett Whiteley.
The Wynne Prize is awarded to the best landscape painting of Australian scenery in oils or watercolours or for the best example of figure sculpture, by an Australian artist.
The Sir John Sulman Prize is awarded for the best subject painting or genre painting or mural project by an Australian artist.
Sponsored by the Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, the Dobell Prize for Drawing was initiated to encourage excellence in drawing and draughtsmanship.
| 2002 WINNERS ARCHIBALD PRIZE Cherry Hood Simon Tedeschi Unplugged WYNNE PRIZE Angus Nivison Remembering rain SULMAN PRIZE Guan Wei Gazing into deep space no. 9 DOBELL DRAWING PRIZE Mary Tonkin Rocky Outcrop, Werribee Gorge |