
Buddha Education Programmes

Bookings essential.

Focus Fest Conference 2001
Education and Enlightenment

30 November, 1 December 2001
Presentations by curators, artists and educators � historical and contemporary.
$66 for one day, $110 for both days -- includes exhibition entry.

K�6 Teachers' Enrichment Day
Adventures in Asia II

16 November 2001, 10am-3.30pm
$55, $50 concession.

K�6 Adventure Tour
Buddha Trails

Free with exhibition entry.

HSC Masterclass
Buddha Take 2

22-23 January 2002,10am-4pm
Intensive workshop with filmmaker, writer and photographer Merilee Bennett.
$100 -- includes exhibition entry.

Online education kit: https://buddha.artgallery.nsw.gov.au(buddha.artgallery.nsw.gov.au)