| | Peter Bonner
Interior 1996
* |
 | | Godwin Bradbeer
Man of paper VII 1995-98
* |
 | | Judy Cassab
Incredible lightness, Rainbow Valley 1998 |
 | | Judy Cassab
Temple, Udaipur 2002 |
 | | Judy Cassab
Transparent landscape, Rainbow Valley 1997 |
 | | Rachel Ellis
Dog 1991
 | | David Fairbairn
Portrait of Tao Triebels 1998
or White portrait, Tao Triebels
* |
 | | Joe Furlonger
Man on the beach 1994
 | | Nicholas Harding
Eddy Avenue (3) 2001
* |
 | | Jennifer Keeler-Milne
Visibility/Invisibility 2000
 | | Colin Lanceley
Garden between the mountains and the sea 1992 |
 | | Sally Moffatt
Urban landscape II 2000 |
 | | Nick Mourtzakis
Untitled study 1999
* |
 | | Daniel Moynihan
Tasmanian tiger in Paris, Canal St Martin 1992 |
 | | Amanda Robins
Linen dress 2000 |
 | | Jan Senbergs
Kitchen at Smacka's 1995
* |
 | | Thomas Spence
The roofs of Oxford Street (Taylor Square) 1993
* |
 | | Mary Tonkin
Rocky outcrop, Werribee Gorge 2000-01
* |
 | | David Brian Wilson
The woman 1996 |
 | | Margaret Woodward
In the penumbra of perfumes and songs 1993 |
 | | Margaret Woodward
Francisco Lezcano riding the unicycle 2001 |